Prof Peter Jones
Keynote Speaker
Prof Jones’ research interests have centred on the clinical epidemiology of psychotic disorders including early developmental antecedents, causes and mechanisms; randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of novel and established interventions for mental disorders and of service designs to deliver these treatments; and the implications of permeable diagnostic boundaries across medicine and psychiatry.
Current RCTs include the SINAPPS-2 study of immune therapies in antibody-positive psychosis, Wellcome’s PUMA platform trial (both with Lennox and others), and the TYPPEX programme investigating treatments for common mental disorders including psychotic experiences (with Perez).
Clinically, Prof Jones has been involved in the management of all stages of psychotic disorders and was a co-founder of Cambridgeshire’s award-winning CAMEO early intervention in psychosis service. His management positions have included Chairmanship of the Department of Psychiatry and Deputy Head of the School of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cambridge; he is a past-president of the International Early Intervention and Prevention in Mental Health Association (IEPA), and co-founder of Cambridge Adaptive Testing Ltd.
Keynote Address: Psychotic Experiences, Early Intervention and Some Thoughts Against the Stream