Prof Chung Young Chul
Prof Chung Young-Chul attained his MD in 1989 and PhD in 1998 at the Chonnam National University, Korea. He worked as a research fellow at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Psychopharmacology Division, Department of Psychiatry), US (2001. 8 ~ 2003. 1) and academic fellow at Orygen Youth Health (EPPIC), Melbourne University, Australia (2003. 1 ~ 2003. 6).
2006 - 2016: Editor-in-Chief of the Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience
2013 - 2020: Vice President of Asia-Pacific International Early Psychosis Association
2016 - 2017: President of the Korean Academy of Schizophrenia Research
2018 - Current: President of the Korea branch of the International Society for Psychological and Social approaches to Psychosis
Prof Chung’s major research interests are psychopharmacology, cognitive-behavioral therapy and epigenetics. ProfChung has published more than 120 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.