Mr Daniel Wong

Mr Daniel Wong is a counsellor at TOUCH Mental Wellness, part of the TOUCH Wellness Group within TOUCH Community Services. He leads the LIVEON counselling service, which aims to reduce suicidal and self-harm risks among youths and their families.
Additionally, he co-leads the DigitalMINDSET counselling intervention service, providing support to youths and families experiencing conflicts stemming from excessive device use. Since entering the social service industry in 2019, Daniel has been dedicated to assisting youths and families with a myriad of issues which encompasses at-risk behaviours, youth delinquency, excessive device use, couple relationships, and mental health challenges in this ever-changing world of technology, social, and societal influences.
Topic: TOUCH’s Intervention Approach to Internet Addiction-Digital
Date: 22 November 2024, Friday
Time: 11.00 AM
Breakout Session: Track 6 – Interventions for Gaming