Dr Kristiana Siste
Plenary Speaker
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Dr Kristiana Siste's dedicated efforts have made significant contributions to scientific knowledge, national and global policies, and the field of epidemiology concerning addictive behaviours. She has collaborated extensively with experts from esteemed institutions including Kyoto University, Flinders University (Statewide Gambling Therapy Services), The University of Queensland, Radboud University in the Netherlands, Japan National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, and other prominent centres focused on behavioural addictions.
Her notable collaboration with Kyoto University led to the development of the Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire (KDAI), a culturally adaptable screening tool specifically designed for Indonesian adolescents. Her research has further investigated the neurofunctional correlates underpinning a triple-network model, now integrated into national protocols for the prevention and screening of addictive behaviours in primary care and educational settings.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Siste conducted a nationwide study in partnership with Indonesia's Ministry of Research and Innovation, and Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, generating the first comprehensive epidemiological data on behavioural addiction in Indonesia using the KDAI.
Dr Siste's contributions extend internationally through her participation in the World Health Organisation (WHO) Advisory Group for Behavioural Addiction's Delphi study, where she helped in shaping foundational concepts in global addictive behaviour research. These insights have been instrumental in developing management frameworks that incorporate the dialectical model. Her persistent endeavours have resulted in collaborative researches in behavioural addiction field, published in internationally renowned journals and implemented into comprehensive services.
At Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital - Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Dr Siste established and oversees the National Behavioural Addiction Study Center and National Behavioural Addiction Treatment Center. She also serves as a senior lecturer, Head of the Addiction Psychiatry Division, and Head of the Psychiatric Department, mentoring emerging physicians and researchers. Internationally, she holds positions on the Advisory Board of The WPA Addiction Psychiatry Section and is a member of the International Working Group for Behavioural Addiction.
Track Session: Recovery and Responsible Gambling : Demystifying
the Biases and Managing Risk Factors through Cognitive Approach
Date: 21 November 2024, Thursday
Time: 1.45 PM
Breakout Session: Track 3 – Research and Policies
Plenary Session: The State of Play : Gaming Disorder in
the Indonesian Landscape and Emerging Treatment Option with DBT
Date: 22 November 2024, Friday
Time: 9.00 AM